・証 testimonyの記事一覧
原子力発電所の謎[原爆・原発は存在しないシリーズ](The Mystery of Nuclear Power Plants [The Atomic Bomb and Nuclear Power Plants Do Not Exist Series].)
実は原爆も原発も存在していない?!…というお話 [The story is that neither the atomic bomb nor the nuclear power plant existed in fact(?!).]
全力で行なうとは? [集中力の重要性と、雑念という罪について](What does it mean to give one's all? [The Importance of Concentration and the Sin of Distraction])
最高の老後対策は、「神様を愛し、神様のために生きること」(The best retirement strategy is to "love God and live for Him.")
神様への讃美。後生に残る天の文化・芸術を。(Praise to God. Heavenly culture and art that will remain for posterity.)
捨てることと、祈り求めること。(Throwing away and seeking.)
感謝が悔い改めになり、讃美まで繋いだ、お祈りの様子(A situation of prayer in which gratitude became repentance became praise.)
幸せににるための、有効的な信仰生活とは。[神様に合わせることの重要性](An effective life of faith to be happy.[The Importance of Alignment with God])
2023年の振り返りと、今年新たに始めたこと。(A look back at the year 2023. And what I have newly started this year.")
神様を愛せば愛した分、神様に近づくことが出来る!(The more you love God, the closer you will be to Him!)