天の奥義、「霊体」と「肉体」の関係性(  The secret formula of Heaven, The relationship between "spiritual body" and "physical body")
新時代の御言葉。「肉体」と「霊体」、「この世の幸せ」と「あの世の幸せ」(The Word of the New Age. A "physical body" and a "spiritual body", "happiness in this world" and "happiness in the afterlife")
「優先順位」を間違えた果ての偽善、神様の愛と裁き(Hypocrisy at the end of "wrong priorities", God's love and judgment)
捨てることと、祈り求めること。(Throwing away and seeking.)
感謝が悔い改めになり、讃美まで繋いだ、お祈りの様子(A situation of prayer in which gratitude became repentance became praise.)
誰でも必ず幸せになれる方法(How anyone can be surely happy.)
神様に寄り頼み、自分の人生の開拓者となろう!(Rely on God and be a pioneer in your own life!)
中心者ラプトさんと同時代を生きている意味と価値(The meaning and value of living at the same time as Rapt, the central figure.)
人類がサタンに完全勝利出来る、真理の御言葉(The Word of Truth that will give mankind total victory over Satan.)
思考の癖を直すことと、人類に対する聖三位の愛。(To correct habits of thought, and the love of the Holy Trinity for humanity.)