感謝が悔い改めになり、讃美まで繋いだ、お祈りの様子(A situation of prayer in which gratitude became repentance became praise.)
コリスの悔い改めと、「心と思いと精神を尽くして神様を愛する」ということ。(Repentance of Korisu and "loving God with all your heart, mind and spirit".)
欠点や弱さを認め、悔い改め、祈ること。成長と祝福について。(To acknowledge your shortcomings and weaknesses, repent and pray. About growth and blessings.)
お祈りの中で悔い改めることによって感じる事が出来た、謙虚な気持ち(A sense of humility that I could feel by repenting in prayer.)
お料理とお掃除、感謝と悔い改め(Cooking and Cleaning, Gratitude and Repentance)
自分中心の思考を悔い改めること(Repentance for self-centered thinking.)