I think that "living clean and keeping one's heart pure" is a state of being that every Christian hopes for.
I had taken that image vaguely as "a person who does not sin or performs righteousness."
However, after studying the Word of God by Rapt, I realized, very thankfully, that I was interpreting it completely differently from God.
God tells us to always purify our hearts.
But when God says so, He does not simply mean that we should remove evil from our hearts.
God looks at a person who loves and lives for God with only one heart, a person who lives for God with his or her whole life, and recognizes them as pure and righteous.
It is difficult to fix one's faults and weaknesses even if one is concerned only about them, but a person who loves God with a single-minded heart and lives his/her entire life dedicated to God will naturally remove all the sins written in the Bible from within himself/herself and live a truly pure life.
Moreover, God saw that the person had given all of himself to Him, and God said that He would also bless the person with all that He had.
Because that person has given everything, God will also give everything to that person.
Can a person be happy only with what he or she has?
Only when one is richly blessed with what God has can one live an eternity of unlimited happiness.
I have come to know that God recognizes as pure and righteous those who love Him with a single heart and devote their entire lives to Him, without any double-mindedness.
This was something I had not thought of at all, so I was truly grateful for the content of the Word.
If you cannot absorb the Word, your spirit will die.
They stop growing and die.
Therefore, you should have an upright heart toward God.
Decide only to live for God, resolve to do His will with a single heart, and resolve to live for His will.
God says that He created us human beings so that if we do not receive love and truth from the Holy Trinity without fail for a single day, our spirits will suffer and starve and dry up.
So I imagine how important it is for us human beings to always love God alone with a single heart, without having two minds, and to live our lives consciously receiving love and truth.
Do you still think only about protecting your own life and live only for your own sake?
Whether you are living for God or not, only this is the question before me.
And if you live just for me, I will live just for you.
You have given me your entire life, and so I will give you mine.
I will give you all that I have.
In other words, I will bestow upon you the power and authority of God and give you equal glory with God in heaven and on earth.
God said that if we live for Him single-mindedly, He will give us all that He has….
How much does this mean?
How joyful it is for us human beings to be loved and blessed by God and to live a life filled with both spirit and body, in heaven and even on earth….
Is there a belief that if you give your all to God, He will give you everything?
Without this faith, you will never be able to devote your entire life to me.
It was because of this faith that Abraham made the decision to abandon even his son Isaac for God and received the blessing of being given everything from God.
He could live a blessed life both spiritually and physically.
You, too, should live such a life.
Be like Abraham, who lived his life giving everything to God, believing that God would give him everything.
Such a person is recognized by me as a truly righteous person.
To love God with a single heart and to live a life of devotion is, of course, not an easy task for us fallen human beings.
But if we live with a heart that genuinely loves God, we will naturally strive to become a person who brings Him joy, I think.
"Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, 'Lord, Lord, open for us,' and He will answer and say to you, 'I do not know you, where you are from,'
then you will begin to say, 'We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.
But He will say, 'I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.'
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourselves thrust out.
<The Gospel According to St. Luke 13-24~28>
Title: "What is the way of life that God recognizes you as a truly pure person of heart?" and,
The content of the Word of God this time is also very profound and cannot be conveyed in this short blog post, but I hope to convey just a part of the essence of this profound content in this article, which I wrote in my usual poor writing style.
I hope this will be an opportunity for someone seeking the truth to absorb wisdom and knowledge.
I thank God and Rapt for their strength and grace today.
Thank you very much.
For the full text of the Word, please click here ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓.
The Word of Truth and Love by Rapt is available here.