It has been about two years since I started studying the Word that Rapt conveys to us.
One of the things that has often surprised me about Rapt, who has been delivering the Word of God through paid articles since 2015, is that he has been prophesying various things long before now.
He also told us that "Satan will be destroyed in 2023" from when the paid article was first published.
The prophecy "~in 2023" was made by one of Rapt's teachers, but Rapt also predicted a number of things.
The following is from 2021, but really, reading it over now, I shudder at the precision of it.
Armageddon, as predicted in the Bible, is happening right now in the present.
It is only recently that I have learned that Armageddon will occur at this time, but shortly before the Lord told me this, He clearly told me through revelation why He has assured me that Satan will be destroyed by 2023.
In this issue, I have posted the words of the revelation, and if you listen to the revelation, you will clearly understand and be convinced that Satan will indeed be destroyed soon.
The times are about to turn.
Satan's rule is about to end, and the era in which God will rule the earth is about to arrive.
We can only thank God for giving birth to us and raising us in such glorious times.
Armageddon is over, the long period of punishment for mankind has ended, and we are entering a truly glorious era in which God will rule this earth.
Saturday, August 26, 2023
The coming era is a time of blessing after blessing, grace after grace, and joy for the righteous.
Therefore, be constantly thankful to God and praise Him.
(No matter how many evil plans the wicked make and execute against the righteous, the righteous will instead be happy, while the wicked will choke on his own neck and be unhappy.)
<Morning Prayer Meeting for August>
Right now, Japan and the world are still in chaos and confusion, and it seems as if this situation will continue for a while,
but even in such a situation, God has given us His Word that He will bless the righteous.
I am truly grateful for that.
I do not consider any small thing as a coincidence, but understand that it is God's plan, and I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks every day.
And I would like to strive to do His will even more.
However, even though we are entering a glorious era, unless the number of the righteous that God desires increases, it will become increasingly difficult to accomplish His Kingdom.
So, I hope that as many people as possible will encounter this gracious Word and have true faith as soon as possible.
And also, as you know if you are impressed by Rapt's words and have faith, the more God is ruling in 2023, the more pronounced the judgment will be felt, even by the righteous, If they get a little slack.
However, I accept this as a gift of God's deep love to correct the course of the righteous, and I want only to feel the immensity of God's vast grace and love, to be grateful, and to live a life of praise.
Listen up.
Stay spiritually connected to me 24 hours a day.
To do this, pray to me constantly at all times.
Strive to live with a sense of constant connection with me in your daily life.
Then you will constantly feel me at all times and live richly inspired and conceived from me.
You will be able to accomplish all that is before you with my inspiration and conception.
I myself feel that something is different from last year, that something like a huge evil lid in the world is coming off, and that God's power of salvation for mankind is strongly and strongly working.
Please pray that as many people seeking truth and love as possible will come to the Word by Rapt….
I pray with all my heart that God's will, the coming 1000-year kingdom, will be accomplished in a grand and magnificent manner. Amen.
The text of the Word can be found here
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The Word of Truth and Love by Rapt is available here.