This is the ninth year that Rapt has shared God's Word with us.
He also said that as of 2023, God has already given us the Word of truth that will enable mankind to completely defeat Satan.
The Lord said that truth is a weapon to destroy Satan.
Now God has given us, the human race, the perfect truth that can completely triumph over Satan and destroy him.
However, those who do not even try to store the truth within themselves, even though God has given us the complete truth in such a way, will surely be destroyed by Satan sooner or later.
Satan is always looking for ways to destroy us human beings.
God told us to review His Word and read the Bible over and over again until we are in a state where the Word of truth is circling in our head 24 hours a day.
What a blessing it is for us human beings that the Word of Truth, which we have already received in the past, has already been fully proclaimed with the contents of complete victory….
We must fully realize this, eliminate any gaps so that we will not be swallowed up by Satan, study the Word of truth, obey, and do accordingly.
I have already given you enough of the Word to fight Satan and win.
So all that remains is for you to follow that Word and put it into practice.
However, even though I say this, there are too few people who always live their lives with their minds focused on Me, and because of this, there are too many people who allow Satan to enter their lives at any given moment, and who are manipulated by Satan into committing sins and thinking negative thoughts.
I don't judge every single one of you when I see you sin or fall into negative thoughts, but the fact that you sin or fall into negative thoughts in this way means that you have been defeated by Satan, and if you continue to be defeated in this way, your spirit will eventually be destroyed and your body will be taken by Satan.
We must find out what we have yet to learn and realize, pray to become complete, and be careful that each of us does not allow Satan to invade our lives.
I would like to make daily efforts to break down my common sense and fixed ideas (worldly and satanic thinking) and fill my head with the Word of the perfect truth so that I can achieve spiritual growth.
To strive without compromise to respond to God's will and to be a joy to God.
I believe that doing so will ultimately lead us to a life filled with heavenly blessings and happiness in body and spirit, both in this life and in the after death.
Friday, May 5, 2023
The state of being filled with the truth is a state in which the Word is constantly circling in one's brain.
Only by living in such a state can we overcome all of Satan's attacks, become richly enlightened, grow spiritually, and live enjoying the blessings of heaven in this life and in the after death.
(The reason God does not remove our suffering immediately is that in that suffering He leads us to realize all that we need to realize and to come out of it in our own strength.)
<Morning Prayer Meeting for May 2023>
In fact, when I am able to understand this Word of Truth that Rapt conveys, it really clears my mind.
By knowing and praying, anxiety and worry are eliminated, and the connection with God is felt.
If you are suffering from not finding the truth in your search for it, I hope you will study Rapt's words.
Only God's love can give us true peace of mind.
Please pray that God, the Holy Spirit, and the Son will guide us so that we may know the joy of living for His will.
And today too,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to God, the Holy Trinity, and Rapt for their work.
Thank you very much.
The text of the Word can be found here
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The Word of Truth and Love by Rapt is available here.