After studying the Word of God by Rapt and coming to faith, I came to realize that I had been living a poisoned life, controlled by Satan through TV, movies, books/magazines, and various other information/entertainment…etc.
But I also understood that it is very important to realize that even if we finally awaken and have faith, Satan will come after us even then if we are careless and loose our minds.
Many people in this world live in a state of disgust with themselves and with their lives.
The reasons why this happens may vary from person to person, but fundamentally, everyone in this world lives without the grace that they should receive from God, and because of this, life becomes difficult and they become disenchanted with their own lives.
But now that we know God and have received the grace we deserve from Him, we can live our lives in joy and gratitude.
However, Satan is playing various tricks to deprive us righteous people of all these blessings in these end times.
In particular, they are trying to get us to sin against God's Word, so that we will be separated from God and not receive any grace from Him.
Or they seem desperate to tempt us into sin so that we will do what we should not do, or to take advantage of the weakness, shortcomings and weaknesses of those who love God and take away our faith…ಠ_ಠ
But of course,
we never want to be defeated by Satan and others who enter into people's hearts and tempt them in various ways!
I should always be on our toes, rather, I will try to be attentive to the four pillars of faith and carry them out, and I wish aim to be those who can always feel the breath of God.
The following (purple box) is an excerpt from the Word of God.
And if human beings lose their ambition and start living only for pleasure, it will be extremely difficult for them to meet Me, God, and many people in this world have already become spiritually corrupted in that way.
They live their lives seeking only temporary pleasure and enjoyment for the moment, thinking that they will be happy if they can obtain them.
However, it is very difficult to continue to seek for pleasure and enjoyment in one's long life and keep them for the rest of one's life.
But deepening your relationship with me is something anyone can do, if they only try.
The more you do, the deeper my relationship with you will become, which will add to the joy in your hearts, and furthermore, your wishes will be fulfilled.
I thought it was very important to be properly aware and build a relationship with God.
If we do not practice prayer and the Word of God with sincerity, we will not be able to reach God with our thoughts. Therefore, I wish do everything with an awareness of the importance of loving God.
This time, the Word of God reminded me once again that I must not be formal just because I have faith and am gradually getting used to it, but rather I must do it with all my heart so that my love for God will increase day by day.
If you try to obtain your happiness in any other way than by deepening your relationship with me, you will never achieve the happiness you think you will.
You may wish for this or that, but your wishes will not be fulfilled, and even if they were, it would be difficult to achieve the kind of happiness that you had anticipated.
Pleasure ends in pleasure, and enjoyment ends in enjoyment.
It ends in temporary pleasure and brings you nothing beneficial.
Are you truly seeking God?
Or are you not simply living for your own pleasure and enjoyment?
After the Old and New Testament eras, and now entering a new era (Sorry. I don't know how to write the new era in English.), I feel that now is the time for humanity to awaken.
I pray from the bottom of my heart that all mankind will turn to God, face Him, obey His Word, and become righteous people loved by Him.
Thank you!
Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches."
<The Gospel According to St. Matthew 13-31~32>
The text of the Word can be found here
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The Word of Truth and Love by Rapt is available here.