新時代の御言葉。「肉体」と「霊体」、「この世の幸せ」と「あの世の幸せ」(The Word of the New Age. A "physical body" and a "spiritual body", "happiness in this world" and "happiness in the afterlife")
新時代の御言葉。「肉体」と「霊体」、「この世の幸せ」と「あの世の幸せ」(The Word of the New Age. A "physical body" and a "spiritual body", "happiness in this world" and "happiness in the afterlife")
I learned from the Word of the Rapt that human beings have a "physical body" and a "spiritual body".
I think everyone knows that we have a physical body, but few know that we also have a "spiritual body".
I have even heard that even many existing Christians do not understand it well.
But this is very important,
in other words, "Death," which eventually comes to everyone in old age, is simply the end of the physical body,
Simply put, it means that after that, the person's "spiritual body" will either go to hell or heaven.
And no one had ever taught me such a thing in all my life,
I was simply amazed, yet somehow easily convinced.
He says that our spirits, living without knowing anything, are barely functioning, and while our bodies grow and become adults, our spirits remain in the same state as young children.
However, I have learned that if I could follow God's Word with my life while living on this earth and develop my own spiritual body, not only will I be happy after death, but I will also receive abundant blessings from God in this earthly life and live happily.
This is one of the things that made me happy and lightened my heart after studying this Word😊.
I believe that the knowledge of these teachings is truly a great asset for mankind,
and I recognize that the Word of God that Rapt conveys is truly worthy of being called the Word of the new age.
The Bible says that God sent Jesus Christ to this earth so that we, the human race, can have eternal life.
However, people did not accept Jesus' words because they thought that if they put them into practice, they would not be able to live happily on earth, even if they could go to heaven.
Christians in this world also live thinking that practicing the words of Jesus means giving up happiness in this life in exchange for the assurance of getting into heaven.
In reality, however, practicing the words of Jesus allows our spirits to grow and become like God, so that we can flourish like God in this world and in the afterlife, and live happily ever after.
The reason people thought that they could not be happy in this world even if they put Jesus' words into practice was because they did not risk their life Jesus' words, but if they actually put them into practice with their lives for years, their spirit and body will be revived and they will live happily in this world and in the afterlife. Through experience, everyone will come to understand that.
I sincerely pray that each and every one of you will practice God's Word with all your heart, mind, and spirit, and that you will flourish like God in this world and the afterlife, and grasp eternal happiness.
Before I came to the faith of Rapt, my image of a "Christian" was a bit heavy, as if he was a person who would give up all worldly pleasures, even his own talents, and spend the rest of his life in prayer….
Certainly, I believe that it is one of the teachings that we should practice in the Word of Rapt, as it is very important that we should once and for all discard everything we have done and thought, purify our minds, and keep in mind and do only the truth of the Word of God,
Still, even though it may take time, I feel that the more I face God with all my spirit, rather, God will guide and nurture me so that my true individuality and talents will gradually blossom and be utilized to manifest His glory.
I know there will be hard times until the seed of faith is planted and the flower blooms, but I feel God's blessing every time I overcome one of them,
and, I realize that the teaching of the Word of God by Rapt is that by accumulating without giving up, my joy will increase.
The image of "Christian" in my mind until now has been overturned by Rapt… 😊.
The following (purple box) is an excerpt from the Word of God.
Where you spend your time is really important.
Since 1998, RAPT also began to live his life of faith with four pillars ("Prayer," "Bible and Word," "Praise and Thanksgiving," and "Evangelism"), and he is clearly aware that the level of his faith before 1998 and his faith after 1998 are completely different.
What was most different was the amount of the Holy Spirit that he received.
In short, he was able to live his life filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit to the point that he could not receive any more.
Suffering from the loss of the grace of the Holy Spirit has completely ceased.
Listen up.
You believers have two sufferings to speak of.
One is the suffering of being struck by some kind of tribulation, just like the people of the world.
The other is that the grace of the Holy Spirit will wither away.
Rapt has been completely free from the suffering of the withering away of the grace of the Holy Spirit since 1998.
Before 1998, Rapt worked for a company and was not able to fully practice the four pillars of faith, so he earnestly prayed to God to give him a job that would enable him to live out his faith.
As a result, he found a job that met his requirements immediately, he told us.
Hearing this story, I realized that God sincerely supports those who are willing to work for Him.
Tribulation is a suffering that comes at you regardless of your will.
However, the suffering in which the grace of the Holy Spirit withers away can be completely eliminated by what you do.
Then, wouldn't it be better to first eliminate the suffering that can be eliminated by your own will?
If you are attacked by both, you may run out of strength in spirit and flesh, but if only one of them strikes you, you will be able to endure it to the end, and even the suffering will be beneficial to you, as you receive the grace of the Holy Spirit in abundance.
Keep this in mind as you live your life of faith.
Stand firm on the four pillars of faith so that you can always live abundantly filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit.
In this way, you will be able to endure whatever suffering comes your way, or rather, you will be able to do my will in the midst of any suffering and live a life filled with abundant blessings.
Tribulation is something we all experience while living in this land.
Nevertheless, if we are richly endowed with the grace of the Holy Spirit, I believe that we can overcome even that suffering by believing in God.
I feel that "receiving the Holy Spirit" is such an important part of our life of faith.
If you cannot build the four pillars of faith because of the work of the world, change your work.
If you sincerely pray for the four pillars of faith, I will give you a job that will enable you to firmly establish the four pillars of faith.
Rapt was able to find such a job because he prayed and asked for a job where he could firmly establish the four pillars of faith.
Those who live their lives centering on the four pillars of faith in this way, neither spiritual nor physical grace will wither away, but rather will be multiplied abundantly.
You should understand this law and become those who thoroughly build the four pillars of faith.
We see many people in this world suffering from dissatisfaction with their jobs and relationships, or living in resignation that this is the way life is, or pretending to be happy, or thinking they are happy when they are not.
I still think this is because they do not know God and do not try to live for Him, and therefore, they are not receiving His benefits.
I am going to struggle to receive the Holy Spirit with the four pillars of faith as my axis, to be enlightened daily, and to make a complete shift to a life that I can live for God, not for myself.
To be clear, in order for the human spirit to grow, it must be abundantly filled daily with the Holy Spirit.
If you live a life of faith without being filled with the Holy Spirit, your spirit will not grow much.
And if your soul does not grow, what is the point of living a life of faith?
I am sharing this Word with you, above all, to help your spirit souls grow.
For only when your spirits grow and become like God will you be able to enter heaven and enjoy eternal happiness after death.
To ensure that your spirit soul is raised to heaven, you must pray after correctly studying the Word of God.
In order to grow a spiritual being, a spirit soul, it is necessary to perform spiritual acts of prayer.
(This is the basic Word that has taught me again about prayer.)
This is not so difficult to understand the content if we humans know that we have a "physical body" and a "spiritual body", I think.
It 's meaning the spirit that goes to heaven (or hell).
In order to go to heaven, I believe that we must win over Satan, who is always coming after the righteous, and we must live our lives of faith without slackening, receiving a lot of the Holy Spirit and fully developing our spiritual bodies on this earth.
At first glance, the words of Jesus seem to forbid living happily on earth.
However, what Jesus meant was that we should struggle to attain eternal happiness before we struggle to attain happiness on earth.
Only when one has the assurance of eternal happiness can one be sure to go to heaven and live happily after death, regardless of whether he or she lives happily on earth or not.
That is why I told him that he should struggle to achieve eternal happiness first, rather than striving to be happy on earth.
Today, even if we live for a long time, it is only about 100 years, but after our physical body ends and we become only a spirit, we will live forever in the afterlife, whether in heaven or hell, so the length of time is totally different (not to say different, but eternal 😅).
So, even if we are not in a state of happiness in this world, if we do righteous deeds and are accepted by God, and if we are sure to go to heaven after death, I now feel that our condition in this world does not matter so much.
In Jesus' time and even now, spiritual salvation comes first, so I think it is important to say that we should struggle enough on this earth to love God and focus on nurturing our spirituality, keeping in mind that we will go to heaven, which is eternal happiness.
…However, I believe that if we are a righteous person whom God has approved and loved, God will surely give us material blessings eventually (but, spiritual blessings first) even while we are still alive in this world.
By that time, I don't think that the worldly desires themselves will remain strong….
In any case, It is better to start our life of faith as soon as possible 😊.
Do not despise the Holy Spirit.
Do not despise the grace of the Holy Spirit.
The grace of the Holy Spirit is not given merely to heal your heart.
It is given so that both your spirit and your flesh can live happily.
The degree to which you have received the Holy Spirit will determine how happy you will be in this world and in the afterlife.
You are the fortunate ones who have been taught this hidden secret.
But because you cannot realize this secret, you will not struggle to receive the Holy Spirit.
And so, as usual, they are drowning in the work of the world, indulging in the pleasures of the world, living empty lives, and in the end, living unhappy lives in this world and in the afterlife.
Blessed are those who have realized the importance of receiving the Holy Spirit.
Please pray that more and more people will turn to God and follow the Word of this new era and live happy lives in this world and in the afterlife.
So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath.
Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.
On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God.
But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy; and contradicting and blaspheming, they opposed the things spoken by Paul.
Then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said, "It was necessary that the word of God should be spoken to you first; but since you reject it, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles.
For so the Lord has commanded us: 'I have set you as a light to the Gentiles, That you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth.' "
Now when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord. And as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed.
And the word of the Lord was being spread throughout all the region.
But the Jews stirred up the devout and prominent women and the chief men of the city, raised up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region.
But they shook off the dust from their feet against them, and came to Iconium.
And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.
<Acts 13:42-52>
The text of the Word can be found here
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The Word of Truth and Love by Rapt is available here.