It would be a real shame to live without knowing these things.
As I have told you many times before, we human beings have a "physical body" and a "spiritual body".
When our "physical body" accepts God's Word and obediently follows His Word, our "spiritual body" is saved and grows into the likeness of God, so that we can live in abundance of grace and blessings constantly.
The "spiritual body" will then try to repay the "physical body" that has lived for its own growth by constantly giving it strength so that the "physical body" can become healthy, and by working in various ways so that the "physical body" can do God's will by following God's Word and doing righteousness more.
If the "physical body" has any shortcomings or weaknesses, it will tell you what they are and help you overcome them, and if it has strengths, it will tell you what those strengths are and help you develop them.
The "spiritual body" has the same nature as God, so the more it grows, the more it resembles God.
The Bible says that God created man in His image, and after reading Rapt's explanation, I am convinced that this is so.
"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
(Genesis 1-27)
' The spiritual body has the same nature as God, so the more it grows, the more it resembles God. '
I think that to make love with God is the original purpose of human beings to live happily.
However, if human beings remain in their current dimension, we will never be able to fulfill our original purpose because there is too much of a gap between us and God.
Therefore, I understood that we need to work hard to study the Word of God, realize it, do it, and raise our own "spiritual body" with God in order to draw closer to God, and to raise our own "spiritualbody" to the utmost.
The following (purple box) is an excerpt from the Word of God.
In fact, as your spirit grows, it helps your body to do what it could not do on its own, so that it can do more righteousness and more of My Will.
Therefore, the spirit soul will expose the weaknesses and shortcomings of your body and help you to cure them, and conversely, it will find your strengths and help you to develop those strengths and use those strengths to lead you to do God's will to the fullest extent.
I think it is a wonderful mechanism that as the "spiritual body" gradually grows, it works to help various aspects of the "physical body" in a more positive direction.
Unfortunately, most of the human race, up to the present day, is unaware of the existence of the "spiritual body" and functions only as a "physical body",does it not?
The more materialistic the modern world becomes, the more people seem to be unable to sense the existence of God, who is a spirit.
But today, we have this wonderful Word that Rapt tells us.
So I think it is possible for everyone to change for the better without giving up, aiming for a state that is originally correct from God's point of view as a human being.
I hope that this Word of truth will be spread to more and more people so that they can grow spiritually every day, overcome their physical shortcomings and weaknesses, and do the will of God.
Aren't you still living your life of Inappropriate faith?
Are you still living by your own standards and being content with that?
It pains me to see so many people like that.
My history from now on will be accomplished at a faster pace than ever before, and if you run with the same standards as before, you will not be able to keep up with me very well.
You should know that you must do everything by the power of your spirit in order to keep up with God, who is spirit.
Your flesh cannot keep up with God's speed.
If your spirit body doesn't do it, you cannot keep up with God's speed.
We must strive to live by God's standards, the standards of this Word, and not our own.
Since the physical body cannot keep up with God's speed, everything must be done by spiritual power to keep up with God's desired speed,
Therefore, I think that we must accelerate the growth of our spiritualbody.
I know it is not an easy task, but I would like to pray and ask God to work with me.
I told you that the brain of you humans is shared by the spirit and the flesh, and you know that the flesh will eventually decay and die.
So, to a certain extent, the physical body begins to think about its own demise when the spirit body grows up.
In other words, the physical body knows that the spirit body can use the brain to move the body without the physical body having to use your brain.
And when your spirit actually grows to a certain degree and the spirit is able to move your brain, the flesh will no longer try to force the brain to move, and the body will move according to the spirit's idea.
I have learned in the Word before that a "spiritualbody" and a "physical body" share the human brain.
Both the flesh and the spirit may be able to use a person's brain, but if we can move the brain not by the flesh, as we have been doing, but by the "spirit," which has the same nature as God, we will be able to come closer to God, even if only slightly.
For your reference, please also read the past articles.
The flesh wants to sin and live according to its desires and emotions.
But the spirit always wants to think of God, draw near to God, and do God's will.
And it is always thinking about how to use the body to achieve this.
Therefore, they try to overcome the shortcomings of their bodies, and they try to develop the strengths of their bodies and use those strengths to accomplish God's will.
And if a person fulfills God's will greatly, he or she will surely prosper greatly in this world.
Therefore, you should struggle to develop your spirit.
Having faith is not just a matter of praying, and it is not just a matter of purifying our hearts,
I have learned through studying Rapt's words that it is to approach God (or the Holy Spirit-woman God- for women) by doing everything in the Word of God.
For more information on woman's God, please see this past article.
I believe that to believe and go forward are my love for God.
I am very frustrated because your spirits are not growing well.
You should live for your spirit souls.
Only when your spirit soul grows, your body will flourish on earth, and even after your body dies, your spirit soul can go to heaven and live eternally blessed with God.
You learned these profound secrets of heaven early on, didn't you?
And yet, how foolish it is to still live only for the sake of the body.
How foolish it is to live simply indulging in everyday life!
Be those who live for the sake of your spirit and souls.
Please pray that as many people as possible will return to their original faith and proceed, and that they will be blessed with the fulfillment of all their wishes.
There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory.
So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption.
It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power.
It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
<Corinthians1 15:40-44>
The text of the Word can be found here
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The Word of Truth and Love by Rapt is available here.