It is an inspiring God's Word that allowed me to once again feel the deep thought that we humans and this earth are made with God's love.
God, too, has mastered culture and the arts, and as the culmination of these, He created us human beings and this earth.
The beauty and functionality of both human beings and the earth are so perfect and that they are full of mystery and mystique, and it is hard to believe that someone with intelligence could have created them.
God has always told us to be like Him, and to be like God means to become a good scholar and a good artist like Him.
By living in this way, becoming excellent scholars and artists like God, we can use our brains where we should be used, completely freeing ourselves from the emptiness of life and living a full and happy life wherever it may lead us.
(The full God's Word is much longer and more in-depth, please click on the Rapt blog link at the bottom of the article.)
We humans have healing powers, and the earth has the ability to naturally circulate, and other truly wondrous abilities, while at the same time possessing beauty in appearance.
It is a very inspiring God's Word that made me marvel from a new perspective that God, who created it, is the greatest scholar and artist of all.
The following (purple box) is an excerpt from the Word of God.
To be clear, human intelligence is given to glorify God and to accomplish culture and art that glorify God.
The angels in heaven, the higher in rank, use their brains to accomplish culture and art that glorify God, and they are always pleasing to me in heaven.
You, on the other hand, believe in God, but you do not try to accomplish the culture and art that glorify God, and you still use your intelligence to make money for someone else, and the rest is just for making a living.
No matter how expensive an item is, if it is not used properly and effectively, it will become a treasured possession.
Your brains have been a treasured possession from the time you were born.
So, one day you suddenly feel a sense of emptiness in your life and wonder what on earth you are living for.
We often work with the high level of intelligence that God has given us for the sake of making money or for a temporary living, unknowingly becoming slaves to something or someone.
I have learned many times in the Word of God that even if you are striving hard for your own individuality and talents, if you are striving without knowing, praising, or leaning on God, in the end, there will always come a time when you will reach a dead end and you will never be truly fulfilled.
No matter how hard we try in life without God, it is natural to feel a sense of emptiness when we suddenly realize it.
However, God clearly says that He gave us human beings advanced intelligence so that we can enjoy culture and art.
Once again, we need to return to God's Word and discern how to live our lives in a way that will bring us the most happiness.
Use your intelligence to the fullest and praise God by creating excellent heavenly culture and art.
When you have created a high level of heavenly culture and art that truly pleases God, many people will be saved through that culture and art that you have created.
If you do something that pleases God, how can people not be moved when they see it?
You are to do such excellent culture and art that the heavens will be impressed.
Your intelligence was given to you for that purpose.
It was not given to you merely to make a living or to make money, much less to be troubled.
God does not want human beings to use the intelligence He has given them for worldly purposes, and He is pleased to give them further inspiration and ideas only when they use it intelligently, as God does, to achieve a high level of heavenly culture and art.
Spiritual intelligence also develops through culture and art.
However, spiritual intelligence will not develop if we engage in worldly, secular culture and art.
Spiritual intelligence will develop only when we praise God and engage in heavenly culture and arts that please God.
To achieve heavenly culture and art is to praise God, which is one of the four pillars of faith.
I hope and pray that I will be able to move forward, no matter how groping I may be, praying and asking God, to create a heavenly culture and art that will please God, as a way of expressing my gratitude and gratitude to God.
For more information on the four pillars of faith, click here.
If many righteous people can fulfill their heavenly culture and art, each of them has also developed spiritual intelligence, they will praise God, and they will deliver divinity to those who see and hear them (including those who live after them), and eventually the Kingdom of God will be established, then there is nothing more wonderful than this.
I can't help but feel a future filled with hope, fulfilled together with God! 😊
I, God, have also lived my life working in culture and art.
Because I have mastered culture and art, I ultimately created this earth and created you human beings.
Is not everything I have created perfect?
I created this earth and you human beings as something full of functional beauty and formative beauty.
Their functionality is perfect to the utmost. I have made it possible for the earth to run and for you humans to live without my constant watch.
We humans and the earth are filled with functional and formative beauty.
Feeling the love of God who created us, I offer my deepest gratitude and respect once again.
When we try to make love with God, we are sure to encounter Satan's obstacles, but we should never give in, but just keep our eyes on God and go forward with faith.
I pray that each of you will not try to walk by your own strength alone, but that you will lean on God, receive His power, and hone your individuality and talents, so that this earth will be filled with heavenly culture and art, and will shine brightly.
You alone are the Lord; You have made heaven, The heaven of heavens, with all their host, The earth and everything on it, The seas and all that is in them, And You preserve them all. The host of heaven worships You.
<Nehemiah 9 :6>
I am pleased to inform you that the very heavenly culture and art by RAPT,