This time, I would like to introduce a part of the series “The Disease of Cancer Does Not Exist".
This one is also a surprise, and you may not be able to wrap your head around it after reading it once,
However, if you read the article by RAPT and the article by KAWATA-san, one of the Twelve Disciples, several times, you will find that the content is very logical and solid.
This is an excerpt from the ⇩Rapt Theory “The Disease of Cancer Does Not Exist (Part I)”.
Just the other day, a Japanese scholar was suddenly awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for research related to cancer treatment. I am sure you have heard about this in the news.
Moreover, the reason for this year's Nobel Prize in Medicine is the discovery of a new fact that a phenomenon called “autophagy” (autophagy) can cause cancer or suppress cancer.
Oh no. The causes of cancer often change over time.
When will the scholars come to a consensus?
Well, they probably won't come together at any time.
After all, the disease of cancer itself does not exist in this world….
I would like to gradually prove that this is the case.
However, I wanted to share a small part of it to let as many people as possible know about it on my little blog too.
I hope this will be helpful to someone.
This is back to back in order with Rapt's main blog post, but please start with the contents⇩ of this one.
In fact, 300 billion human cells are replaced by new cells every day. (By the way, it is said to be the total number of cells in the human body is about 60 trillion.)
This is why, even if you have some kind of a skin lesion, if you leave it alone, it will heal naturally.
In fact, the following article says exactly the same thing.
In addition, cells infected with viruses, cancer cells (3,000 to 5,000 cancer cells are born per day even in healthy people!) ), cells that have developed antibodies against themselves, etc., which if left unchecked could endanger our lives, are programmed to commit suicide and sacrifice themselves so that they do not cause damage to others.
Thankful★ I'm impressed.☆
I wonder who programmed it for us. 。。。。
The mysteries of the human body are still deep and mysterious!
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Although it is written casually, cancer cells die naturally in this way.
It is pre-programmed in the body to do so from the time we are born.
It's supposed to be that Modern science (including medicine) is too complicated and bizarre for the layman to understand, but is this really the case?
Small growths (boils) inside the body and small growths outside the body are all supposed to eventually die out naturally in the same way.
This, I'm thinking of, is the truth of this world.
All of the contents are really excellent and varied, but below are the excerpts that I found the most convincing.
I think that many people are confused by the constant stream of information about cancer on television.
Whether you have once been diagnosed with cancer or have a family member suffering from cancer, please read the following article with everything clear.
If you do, you will clearly see that the disease “cancer” is a lie.
(2) The content of cancer treatment is coated with contradictions and lies.
For example, it has already become common knowledge that “anti-cancer drugs are poison,” yet they continue to be used as one of the treatment methods.
This anti-cancer drug is originally made from a poison called “mustard gas”.
This story has been so widely circulated that the medical industry seems unable to refute it.
All preparations of anticancer drugs performed in the hospital are performed in the Pharmacy Department.
Anticancer drugs are prepared in a safety cabinet because of problems such as cytotoxicity due to exposure to radiation.
Currently, the Cancer Center has nearly 100 types of anticancer drugs, and the preparation method differs depending on the individual anticancer drug, such as drug concentration, type of dissolving solution, and type of infusion solution that can be used for dilution.
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I laughed at the incredibly rigorous equipment.
It seems crazy to put something so dangerous into a person's body that requires such protection.
As long as the disease of cancer does not exist, they have to tell a lot of lies to make it exist.
Therefore, there will always be contradictions and rags somewhere.
This is a typical example.
Speaking of contradictions, radiation therapy is another example.
How can it be a cure for cancer when the public is told that exposure to radiation causes cancer?
I can't hide my amazement at the inconsistency of the content 💦.
How is it possible to put a medicine into the human body that must be wearing such strict protective clothing,manufactured under such strict control, and then cure a disease…?????
Nothing but contradictions. I can't help but think, “Heh?!”
Here is another excerpt from a discussion article by Rapt.
As a matter of fact, this reader dialogue was recorded at the end of February this year (February 29).
*This article is probably circa 2018.
It was right around the time that Einstein's theory of relativity was found to be false, that nuclear power plants and atomic bombs did not exist, that radiation and electromagnetic waves did not cause radiation exposure (or rather, that exposure itself was impossible), and that neutrinos and the Higgs boson did not exist.
And by extension, I began to realize that the disease of cancer may not exist.
Both “radiation exposure” and “cancer” are said to be incurable diseases.
However, many well-known conspiracy theorists and other famous people active on the Internet say that neither “radiation exposure” nor “cancer” is incurable and will eventually be cured.
The public perception is that cancer is incurable and horrible…but the information circulating on the Internet, by famous conspiracy theorists and others, is quite different.
⇧ a man named Richard Koshimiz on YouTube
There are several well-known conspiracy theorists, even if they are not doctors, who assert that there is no need to remove them….
We, the general public, who live a normal life, are either looking at information from only one direction, such as TV, or we are looking for information from many directions, including the Internet, to make our decisions.
Either way, I think it is a situation where people are instilled with fear and made to believe in content that may or may not be true,
or where they're going to believe in some one that they choose which of the many pieces of information, and , even if they are not completely convinced…or something like that.
However, by learning the Rapt theory, I came to realize that “we, the people in this world had been set up so that we would not be able to reach the truth in the end, as we were made to dared to disturb our judgment as to which information was the true and correct one".
It completely overturned my common sense, and now my brain is so clear that even the same scenery looks different from before.
Once you understand this, you will better understand how fragile the information about “atomic and nuclear bombs” and “cancer” that has been disseminated to the public is.
No history of pregnancy or childbirth. Has not given birth very often.
No breastfeeding after the birth of the first child. Some reports indicate that there is no relationship between these factors.
Low age at menarche (age at which menstruation began). Older age at menopause
Receiving hormone therapy (estrogen pills, pills, etc.). Some reports indicate that there is no association.
Drinking alcohol. Smoking (In a Japanese study of smoking, the risk of breast cancer was 1.9 times higher in women who smoked than in nonsmokers).
∙ High-fat diet.
∙ The lower the body weight at age 20, the more likely it is to develop breast cancer. In postmenopausal women, the greater their weight gain in adulthood, the more likely they are to develop breast cancer.
Irregular lifestyle due to shift work (IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) reported “shift work that disrupts circadian rhythm” as Group 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans) in 2010. It states that it may increase the risk of prostate and breast cancer, primarily.)
▪ Previous mantle irradiation for treatment of Hodgkin's lymphoma ▪ Gynecomastia (in men)
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These are all completely unrelated to each other.
Yet all of them induce one and the same disease …….
Is such a thing really possible?
Well, if they don't cause a wide variety of things like this, when they properly diagnose someone with “breast cancer,” they may be told that I have no idea why I have cancer, and they may develop a reputation for being a “quack".
In order to avoid such a situation, I assume that they listed as many things as they could think of that any woman could think of.
Moreover, if the discoverer of the virus is awarded the Nobel Prize, it will be difficult for even normal doctors to doubt the existence of the virus.
In this way, they will make it so that even the doctors in the field will not be able to properly understand what the disease “cancer” really is.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix is caused by infection with a tumor virus called human papillomavirus (HPV).
There are more than 100 types of HPV, which are broadly classified into two types: skin-infected and mucosa-infected.
Cervical cancer is caused by long-term infection with a subset of mucosal HPVs, known as high-risk HPVs, which are sexually transmitted.
HPV is a sexually transmitted virus, and women who have had sexual intercourse are more likely to be infected, but the disease can occur even if they have not had sexual intercourse.
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With this Nobel Prize in Medicine, we are now talking about the high possibility that “autophagy” (autophagy) is the cause of cancer, right?
However, the cause of “cervical cancer” has been determined to be “human papillomavirus”.
So, which discourse is correct?
Moreover, this “human papillomavirus” is a totally incomprehensible virus that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse but can also be transmitted without sexual intercourse.
One is tempted to say, “Which is it?“
In the first place, both “breast cancer” and “cervical cancer” are the same “cancer,” but the cause of one “breast cancer” is not a “virus,” while the cause of the other “cervical cancer” is determined to be a “virus”.
This again shows how bogus the disease of “cancer” really is.
Needless to say, the reason why the cause of “cervical cancer” was determined to be a virus must have been so that many doctors and pharmaceutical companies could make a killing through vaccination.
Of course, not all doctors are evil, and I am sure there are many doctors who do their work with good intentions.
And of course medical care is essential for human beings in emergency situations, such as bleeding or damage from injuries or accidents, or sudden and unexpected symptoms.
However, apart from these events, isn't there actually a medical industry that is making huge profits by inciting our fears, even to the detriment of our own health?
Once again, I am truly grateful to Rapt for his keen insight, and I feel saved by his illumination of the darkness that we need to know.
May many people around the world wake up to the facts that have been hidden from us for so long.,
And, I hope that God's will will be done on earth, and that more and more people will live happily, surrounded by God's great love.
that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head--Christ--
<Ephesians 4 :14-15>
Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.
"Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops.
And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
<Matthew 10 :26-28>
I am pleased to inform you that the very heavenly culture and art by RAPT,