One of the things I was very pleased with when I studied the Word of God by Rapt, was that there are many verses that say, "Develop each person's individuality and talents."
Because even before I came to faith, I have always believed that developing my talents is very important in my life.
I had vaguely thought that religion was something to pray and keep one's mind pure, to cling to in times of hardship, or to make one's life better than it is now,
However, I had never imagined that the teachings of a religion would be about "developing one's individuality and talents.
So perhaps I was even happier!
I think the content of the God's Word by Rapt covers everything that is really necessary for human beings to live (God, Holy Trinity, love in higher dimensions, health, talents…etc.) in a complete and perfect way.
Its content is so different from that of previous religions that it could be described as completely different, I think.
It may not be easy to achieve, but I believe it is something that has been kept secret until now, and is nothing but love and hope for mankind.
Those who have learned about the RAPT theory have learned that they have been forced to walk on the rails laid out by Satan and the Illuminati.
And even if they walk on those rails as they are told, they will eventually become their slaves, and eventually hell will be waiting for them.
However, those who walk on the rails laid by the Lord will eventually become God's lovers and go on the path of unlimited blessing and prosperity.
But, the path the Lord has laid out for us is a path that requires us to develop our own lives from the ground up, which sometimes brings with it great difficulties.
On the other hand, the path laid out by the Illuminati appears at first glance to be far easier than going the Lord's way, because it is a path where one only has to go as directed by someone else.
This is why many people in this world dislike going the Lord's way and prefer to follow the path laid out by Satan and the Illuminati, but the slave will remain in chains for the rest of his life, and nothing good will come of it.
From the fall of Adam and Eve to the present, this world has been under Satan's control for so long that we have fallen far away from God's thoughts, and we have lived brainwashed in all things.
But now it is different.
We are changing to an age where we can connect with God if we ask for it.
The following (purple box) is an excerpt from the Word of God.
The time when this world can be changed by the power of money is over.
Satan has been leading the world by moving this world with money, but I, God, am leading the world so that this world cannot be moved by money.
Relying on God, we become a pioneer in our own life and walk the rails that God is laying, not the rails laid by others.
I believe that we, the human race, can receive blessings from God and live fulfilled only when we live for God, rather than trying to live for ourselves by pandering to the world.
By studying Rapt's Word, I was able to understand that I had been living only for myself all my life before I came to faith, and that I had been somewhat stuck and bitter rather than joyful.
Without God, if you only do what you want to do and work hard at it, you will surely come to a dead end someday.
I realized that I should have done to be obedient before God, rely on Him, empty myself, receive inspiration and conception, and strive to refine my personality and talents for God to use.
And to think that this is something that I would not have known at all had I not come to Rapt's Word, I am truly astonished once again at how important it is to be led spiritually.
Follow the path I have laid out for you.
But the path I lay out for you may seem difficult to you.
I told you that the path of salvation is a narrow one.
Because it is a path that must continue to be pioneered.
But you should still pioneer your life.
You should acquire more and more ability and pioneer.
You must have a pioneering spirit.
I will be with those who pioneer, and I will give them all the things of spirit and flesh they need to pioneer.
I rejoice to see you pioneering your own lives, and I look forward to waiting for you to flourish.