The title of the Word of God that convinced me that this is what it means to love God is below.
"The more we love God, the more our hearts burn with love, the stronger our faith becomes, the more our gratitude explodes, the more we break through one limit after another, and the closer and closer we can get to God."
I just read this title, I'm so muuuuch more motivated!(^-^)
God does not always judge immediately when human beings disobey Him.
Because God's judgment does not always lead to repentance.
In fact, God's judgment can cause people to become discouraged, lose motivation, and even lose their love for God.
However, God still judges mankind because if we do not obey what God says, we humans will be deprived of our conditions from Satan and become his property and fall into the depths of misery because of it.
God wants to prevent that from happening, so He judges mankind and leads them to turn to Him.
Those who do not love God in the first place will never be able to understand the beauty of loving God, but those who love God will experience that the more they love, the more their blessings will be returned, so they will be compelled to love God more and more.
God wants us human beings to live such a happy life. So He judges us with feelings of pain and sadness.
I sincerely pray that each and every one of you will understand the beauty of loving God, obtain blessings that cannot be replaced by anything in this world, and live a happy life in this world and after death.
I think that loving God is most important thing in everything.
Don't you think that even a righteous person with faith will gradually drift away from God if he or she becomes vague on this point and gives priority to his or her own intentions and life…?
I think that God wants us to draw closer to Him and become more like Him (or more like the Holy Spirit for women).
*Please read our past articles about the Holy Spirit!
However, in order to do so, we will encounter many trials and moments of limitation in our lives of faith.
The following (purple box) is an excerpt from the Word of God.
During the course of your lives, you will hit your limits again and again.
But to break through all those limits is impossible without boundless love for God.
How much you love God, how close you are to God, how much you love with God each other, how much you want to do God's will with God.
It is no exaggeration to say that this will determine whether you can break through all your limitations to the end.
The only reason Rapt was able to continue to break through his limits without failing in his life of faith to the end was because he loved me so much and wanted me with all his heart.
Even though Rapt hit a limit in his long life of faith, he did not give up there, but always continued to break through that limit.
That is why he has established the Rapt's Theory, clarified the Bible, and received revelations from God, a feat of a higher order that no one else could accomplish, and has led us to salvation, I think.
And the reason why he has been able to break through the limits each and every time is because he has continued to love and appreciate God with a single, passionate heart.
It is not gratitude for having had a good day or something like that, but rather gratitude for having met and been saved by the Word of Truth.
He has never forgotten the joy he felt when he first met me and was saved, and he has lived his life constantly thanking me in his heart.
Approximate people, even if they encounter this Word and are saved, when they feel bad or have a hard time, they immediately forget to be thankful, love other things more than me, and do not even try to break through their own limitations.
If Satan attacks them, they remain defeated; if they can't pray, they leave themselves unable to pray; if they can't understand the Bible, they leave themselves unable to understand; if they notice their own faults and weaknesses, they leave themselves unable to understand them.
Rapt's appreciation for me never disappeared at any time, and he loved me so much that if he ran into any limits that would harm his love for me and his approach to me, he always struggled to break through all those limits.
His love for me was so hot and burning that when he could not get any closer to God, he struggled desperately to break through his limits.
I feel from the Word of God and from Rapt's stories that if we are passionately burning with love for God, even at the breaking point where ordinary people would give up, rather, we felt more pain in the state of not being able to approach God, and we can struggle against any limitations and break through those limitations.
The one who tries to break through any limits to approach me, the one who tries to make love with me, the one who tries to do my will with me, is the one who truly loves me.
I rejoice over such people and strongly guide them to become my lovers.
Be those who never forget their love of the first.
Be those who, never forgetting their love of the first, break through all limits and draw near to me.
I will love them with an infinite love and fill their lives with blessings.
In fact, I guess, since late spring this year, I have been in a state of what could probably be called a state of ordeal.
It was a sad situation that would not necessarily happen, but might one day happen.
However, it started one day without any sign of such an situation until the very last minute, at a time when I did not expect it at all.
During the period, I wondered in what way this state of ordeal would come to an end, and just the other day, I think I landed in a situation that should be considered the end.
And during this period of training,
my love for God did not fade away…!
Because I can understand that God, while training me through various thoughts and experiences, still took into account my mental state and other details, perfectly calculated the progress of the training, and sometimes gave me blessings, while establishing this precious period of time.
I was deeply reminded once again that God is truly perfect, both in His existence and in His guidance.
I have no words other than gratitude.
Anyway, now I am feeling gratitude to God and admiring His perfection and greatness without a single millimeter of error,
And I pray that I will be able to love God with a single-minded, passionate heart without hesitation, and that I will break through my own limitations one after another to draw closer to God, and I hope to make efforts to do that.
May God bring you all great blessings!
"The more we love God, the more our hearts burn with love, the stronger our faith becomes,
the more our gratitude explodes, the more we break through one limit after another,
and the closer and closer we can get to God."
I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot.
I could wish you were cold or hot.
So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,
I will vomit you out of My mouth.
<The Revelation to Saint John 3-15~16>
The text of the Word can be found here
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The Word of Truth and Love by Rapt is available here.