Rapt began sharing the Word of God on the Internet in 2015, which means that the Word of God has been shared for about 10 years.
It has been told many times in the past in the Word of God,
Every year on November 11, as a feast day,
It is a day to celebrate our encounter with God.
November still feels like a long way off, but last year and the year before (I've been in the faith for about 2.5 years now) ,
I felt that I had not been able to make it a feast day that I was comfortable with, so this year I wanted to be aware of this day early on and wanted to study the Word of November 2017 and prepare for it.
I hope you will all take a look at it and prepare yourselves for November.
In this issue, I have especially picked out the words of revelation concerning the feast day of the Lord on November 11 this year.
Last year, the Lord told us to set aside and celebrate November 11 as a day to commemorate our meeting and making love with the Holy Trinity.
Therefore, the Lord has taught us through revelation more specifically than last year how we should prepare and celebrate this day, and what meaning this November 11 contains.
However, we should not celebrate this day out of obligation, but with love and gratitude.
If you read this Word of God, you will understand clearly what it means to celebrate with love and gratitude.
And those who follow this Word carefully will be able to spend November 11 happily with the Lord and make it a day they will remember for the rest of their lives.
Every God's words in every session is great, but the November 2017 God's words was truly filled with God's love and was inspiring, along with learning a lot of love for God and for Rapt.
What a wonderful day to celebrate God and us meeting and making love!!!! 💖
I am simply thrilled and happy,
but I must keep in mind that this is all thanks to Rapt, who prayed to God for decades, overcame all kinds of hardships and tribulations, received a mission from God, and continues to share the Word of God with us every day.
I want each and every one of you to do superhuman work.
However, superhuman work is something that can only be done after you pray to me, not something that you can do no matter how hard you try.
Do you understand this?
Do you think you can repent of your sins by your own strength alone?
Do you think you can develop your individuality and talents only by your own strength?
Do you think you can win the war against Satan by your own strength alone?
Do you think you can achieve heaven on earth and save the people of the world by your power alone?
If you think so, give it a try.
I don't see how it can be done.
If the Rapt were to be gone tomorrow and you could not hear this Word, most of you would eventually lose your faith and go down the path of despair because you would no longer know my love.
And that Rapt is doing the work he is doing now because of my presence.
In other words, it is all because of my power and love that you are able to live each day like this in love, joy, and hope, without despair.
If Rapt stops preaching the Word tomorrow, no matter how much we already have 10 years' worth of the Word, can we really receive the benefits of God that we are receiving now…?
The fact that he is now preaching the Word to you like this on a daily basis is the result of his prayers and also the result of my answering his prayers.
It is because of that you are now saved in this way.
In other words, you are here now because I and Rapt loved each other and sought each other's love.
Do you understand?
This is how one person's love for me is so great.
You are here today because I and Rapt sought each other.
You are saved now because of my and Rapt's love for each other.
Just as a man and a woman in this world love each other and give birth to a child, so Rapt and I loved each other and gave birth to you, our spiritual children.
And thus you are spiritually saved by my and Rapt's love for each other, and it is on November 11 that we will celebrate the commemoration of the fact that you have come to make love with me.
Remember that the anniversary of November 11 is such a deeply meaningful day.
Therefore, on November 11, you must celebrate in a grand way the fact that Rapt and I came to love one another and to seek one another, and thus your lives were born.
I think that he was able to form a higher level of true love with God as a result of believing in God and sincerely seeking God's love for many decades in many hardships and tribulations Japanese Rapto went through.
And I can only realize more keenly the more days I spend in prayer that thanks to this, we, the righteous who follow in his footsteps, are also able to receive various benefits from God through Rapt.
Each of you will decide for yourselves what you will do on November 11.
I don't like to hold formal events.
This is no longer the time of the Law.
Do everything with love.
Think of it as a date with me, and spend the day making plans.
That's right. November 11 is the day you and I will have a date.
It's a date that Satan will not interfere with.
So it is a special day.
To make this special day truly special, from now on, plan meticulously how far you will go spiritually and physically.
I even see how special you think this day is and how excitedly you plan for it.
November 11 is a day full of blessings, as for that entire day, we are protected from Satan's interference and are more easily connected to God.
I can somewhat understand this, even from my two previous unsatisfying November 11 experiences.
I really felt that Satan's interference was weakened and I felt closer to God than usual.
(In my past two experiences so far, it was more like places in the day rather than feeling close to God all day…💦 This year, I want to try to feel God all day long as much as possible.)
However, I believe that Satan's interference and God's special blessings are only given to those who have loved God firmly and have worked hard to establish the four pillars of faith during this past year.
For more information on the four pillars of faith,
On 11/11, God says, go to places you have never been, eat things you have never eaten, and make it a day of celebration that will never fade from your memory.
But when I hear only this part, I'm inadvertently,
It's easy to get caught up in "what to eat and where to go" 😅,
Not so,
Love and thank God with all sincerity and sincerity everywhere,
I think it is important to make plans for the day and how we spend each day.
I heard that God is watching us from the preparation stage of the plan,
so I hope I can plan to celebrate November 11 this year with all my heart, so that I can celebrate our encounter with God and our gratitude to Rapt.
My world is a world made up of love, so consider that no blessing will come to those who forget to love, no matter how special the anniversary.
If you do not return love with love, no blessing will come to you that all day.
Spend that day with the intention of loving me more than usual.
Spend the day thinking of it as a day to love to me deeply even more than usual, as if it were a special day of celebration for a married couple on their wedding anniversary.
A day to thank and love God for saving us through Rapt, and to celebrate that with all our hearts.
This time the Word is from 2017,
but as of 2024, it seems that we are actually entering an era in which spirits are being lifted up to heaven.
Monday, March 11, 2024 Morning Prayer Meeting
A person who has received the Holy Spirit in abundance will have his/her spirit lifted up to heaven, where he/she will have various experiences.
This is like a baby in its mother's womb leaving the womb, which changes the person's way of thinking 100% and leads to a complete renewal.
(The history of the Holy Spirit is the history of each individual's soul being raised to heaven.)
Of course, this does not mean that anyone can be lifted up to heaven,
I believe that it is a case of living a life of faith that conforms to God's will, overcoming challenges, overcoming Satan, and actually growing in spirituality, or as it is called, "having one's spirit drawn near to God.
If we have reached this kind of realm,
Even if the body is under the influence of Satan, the spirit body will taste heaven, and it will be possible to live life on earth with the feeling that every day is like November 11th, so to speak….
As long as I live my life with faith, I too, aim for heaven on earth,
and, I must strive with all my heart to be lifted up to heaven.
And always, I would like to make every effort to grow both physically and spiritually so that I can receive the Holy Spirit in abundance, while being careful not to be swept off my feet by Satan.
I believe it is important to communicate with God on a daily basis based on the four pillars of faith, and to basically go about our lives of faith as we always have, without fail.
I am the God of love.
But even though Satan has separated himself from such love of mine, he has been jealous of the righteous who are loved by me, and even hates me, and has become proud, thinking himself greater than me, and has led people to worship Satan instead of me.
You must never let go of my love.
As long as you do not let go of my love, my love will never leave you.
I pray that you and I will never be separated from God's love, that we will never let go of His hand, and that we will live for Him.
And I pray that people around the world will realize God's love and receive the blessings of the November 11 feast day in abundance.
But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ:
how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts.
These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.
But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,
keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
<Jude 1:17-21>
The text of the Word can be found here
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The Word of Truth and Love by Rapt is available here.