"God wants to bless us, both spiritually and physically."
I think that when we know this, we cannot help but think that we should take our life of faith more and more seriously 😊.
There are many things in this world that are better given to adults but not to children.
For example, if an adult is given a knife, the adult can use it for good, but if a child is given a knife, the child may hurt himself or others with the knife, which is dangerous.
Therefore, adults do not blindly give knives to children.
In the same way, God will not blindly give something while we humans are not properly growing spiritually.
For example, if you give a large sum of money to a person who has not grown spiritually, some people will use it to corrupt themselves, and some people will rely on the power of money and not on the power of God.
God promises to give us both wealth and honor, but if He give them to someone when we are spiritually young, it will most likely be harmful to them. Therefore, God only gives wealth and honor as a blessing after a person has grown spiritually.
I believe that most people in this world have never lived their lives with their spiritual bodies in mind.
In that case, the physical body grows more and more into an adult, but the spiritual body remains a child.
(As for the spiritual body, it may even be dying…)
Therefore, I believe that knowing this Word and facing the life of faith with a sincere heart is the only way to promote spiritual growth and to live happily as a human being created by God.
The following (purple box) is an excerpt from the Word of God.
In the Word of God the other day, I talked about how man's life is happy if he is obedient to God and unhappy if he is disobedient to God.
Thus, when we look at a human being's life, we can see what kind of deeds he or she has done before God.
Therefore, it would be premature to think that just because one tribulation or tribulation occurred, that alone is enough for you to be judged.
On the other hand, it is also too shortsighted to think that just because a tribulation has occurred, it is all an attack by Satan.
When I cause any kind of tribulations to you, it is usually when you have misjudged the path you should be taking.
Even in our lives of faith, tribulations will surely come, but we must be careful not to misjudge how we should deal with them.
I think we need to look back at ourselves objectively once again to make sure that we are not separated from God.
No matter which path you take without believing in God, that path is all wrong and will lead you to a life full of hardships and suffering.
However, you have come to know God and have learned the way to live a life filled with abundant blessings and blessings.
And if you are trying your best to follow God's Word, but you are still going through only tribulations and hardships, then you are going the wrong way and are about to go the wrong way.
Life is full of many kinds of suffering, but the most difficult time for a righteous person is when what he or she tries to do does not work, but rather when he or she feels as if it is stopping him or her.
At that time, you must consider that it is not God's Will that you go the way you think you are going, but that there is another way of God's Will.
God's will for you is prepared elsewhere than what you think.
I have learned many times in the Word of God that life will not go well if we do what we want to do.
Instead of trying to do things your own way, you must grasp God's will for you and do them.
And I heard that God is always giving us various hints.
Somewhere in our lives, we are given hints from God.
Therefore, in order to grasp God's will, I would like to pray and seek for the path I should take by emptying myself, increasing my spiritual strength, gathering each clue from God, and being thankful for them.
I am the God who wants to give to you.
I am the God who always wants to give to you.
Satan always wants to take from you, but God always wants to give to you.
Because I sometimes take from you, you may think that I am a God who takes.
But what God takes away is that which is harmful to you. God do not take away that which benefits you, not take away that which brings you joy.
While our spirits are still young, even if we think to ourselves, "I want that, I need that." ,
but if God sees them as harmful (to us), He may take them away.
So even if things don't go as we expect and the tribulation comes, we should not immediately think that we are deprived or unloved,
Not so, I thought that we must remember that God is nurturing us through our faith, and that He is only hoping that we will grow in the right way.
When we are stuck or in a difficult situation, stop for a moment instead of doing what we want to do,
and, we must always make calm decisions, turn to God as many times as we can, and continue to pray and seek for His will so that we can achieve spiritual growth.
In short, if you grow spiritually, I will be able to give you many things.
However, because you do not grow, it often happens that I take from you or cannot give to you even though I want to.
I want to give to you, but I cannot give to you, so that you will always be crippled or unable to enjoy true joy.
I am sorry for that.
If you pray and pray and pray, but it doesn't come true, it is because you have not yet become a vessel worthy to receive it.
I now clearly understand why, when we have faith and obtain blessings from God, spiritual blessings come first and physical blessings come later.
In addition, we have entered a new age, with a longer life expectancy than in the Old and New Testaments, and above all, the Word of the perfect truth has been given to us.
Therefore, it may be said that it is now possible to receive not only spiritual blessings but also physical blessings more abundantly than in the past.
I was able to learn from the Word of God that Rapt conveys to us that no matter how many times we seem to fall short, if we believe in God, turn to Him, and grow spiritually with the right faith, we are now in an age where both spiritual and physical blessings can be given.
We must obey the Word, fulfill our spiritual growth, and first of all, we must be able to fully receive spiritual blessings.
And even if I eventually receive physical blessings from God, I want to be able to use them in such a way that I can return the favor to God again.
You do not have to struggle to get something like the people of the world.
Just pray to God and grow spiritually before God and you will be given everything in abundance.
This is the law of truth.
It is the eternal law of truth.
He who realizes this law will live in abundance and have everything in this world and in the afterlife.
May we believe in God and follow Him no matter what,
I sincerely pray that as many people as possible will be saved by this Word.
God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.
Nor is He worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.
And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,
so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;
for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, 'For we are also His offspring.'
<Acts 17 :24-28>
Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'
For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
<Matthew 6:31-33>
The text of the Word can be found here
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The Word of Truth and Love by Rapt is available here.