地上渦巻く、悪と嘘と不条理について。それを暴く、真実のニュースサイト「ラプト理論+α」(About the evil, lies, and absurdity swirling around the earth. And, "The RAPT theory +α", a truthful news site that exposes them.)
地上渦巻く、悪と嘘と不条理について。それを暴く、真実のニュースサイト「ラプト理論+α」(About the evil, lies, and absurdity swirling around the earth. And, "The RAPT theory +α", a truthful news site that exposes them.)
I was surprised and in disbelief when I first learned about it,
but the more I read, the more it became clear to me and the more the scales fell from my eyes… 👀
There are few people in this world who clearly call a lie a lie, an evil an evil, or an absurdity an absurdity and denounce it.
Rather, the words spoken by famous people and celebrities in this world are always contradictory, false, phony, and full of bullshit.
It is not too much to say that there is almost no one who tells a story that is totally false, totally consistent, and totally free of bogus and bullshit.
Because people in this world live surrounded by such empty information, they never feel refreshed, but rather live in constant agony and mental anguish.
However, we who believe in and love God are those who have been sent by the Lord to tell lies that are spread in the world as lies, to call evil as evil, to call absurdity as absurdity, and to destroy them all.
By doing so, the Lord is leading many people in this world to clear their minds and be freed from the suffering of their hearts.
And from among those whose hearts have been saved in this way, there will surely be those who will be saved physically by learning the RAPT Theory and spiritually by learning the Word of God.
In this way, the Lord is giving people complete salvation of the spirit, body, and soul, and is trying to create heaven on earth.
(The full God's Word is much longer and more in-depth, please click on the Rapt blog link at the bottom of the article.)
Thanks to Rapt's clear statements of lies as lies, evil as evil, and absurdity as absurdity, I really feel like I have woken up.
I was able to realize that I had been deceived by Satan's side, and the points that didn't make sense were disappearing rapidly, and I feel that I can now live my life with a really clear mind.
In particular,
this sense of security that we can live without fear of "atomic and nuclear bombs" and "cancer" anymore really clears my mind!
We have been trapped in so many lies, evil, and absurdity that we have always been somewhat unrefreshed and in agony, but we have lived our lives saying to ourselves, "This is how this world is…"
However, I believe that the time is finally approaching when Rapt will appear in this world and many people will wake up to the truth.
The following (purple box) is an excerpt from the Word of God.
Where Satan works, confusion and absurdity arise.
Until now, it has been the norm in this world for the wicked to gain advantage, for the wicked to rise to the top, and for the wicked to enjoy the delicacies of the world.
The people of the world have always suffered mentally because of this, and they have had to live their lives troubled, angry, and complaining about the injustice of it all.
In a world ruled by Satan, it must be so.
But now is the time that I will destroy this absurd world so that the righteous will not suffer from such absurdity at all.
First, through the RAPT theory +α (*1), I will make sure that many people do not suffer from the absurdity of this world.
*1 "RAPT theory + α" is a very good ongoing news site where you can find out hidden information that is not aired in the general media. Please take a look.
I have always wondered,
"Why is it that people who do bad things go through life without any sanction in this world? Don't they ever get punished?" .
Before I had faith, I used to think, "Is there no God? There seems to be a lot of unfairness in the world…"
I came to know later in my faith that bad people, even if they left this world normally, would have been sanctioned by hell afterwards….
As time goes by and Rapt appears,
I believe that the number of believers in God is increasing, even if only gradually, in Japan, thanks to the RAPT Theory and the Word that Rapt shares with us.
Since the fall of Adam and Eve, Satan has been ruling over the earth, but now his evil power is waning, and I can feel firsthand that we are at the turning point of a great era.
Let people know and be reassured that there are people like you in this world who call evil evil, lie about lies, call absurdity absurd, and denounce it.
Even if only that is done first, the people of this world will be reassured and their hearts will be saved.
People live for the salvation of their hearts.
In this world today, people have no choice but to live in search of the salvation of their hearts, because the world is a hell of a place for the heart.
Many people are living their lives hoping to have their hearts eased as much as possible.
Therefore, you should make people's hearts easy.
That is the first step.
And those whose hearts are eased and refreshed by hearing your words will eventually learn the RAPT Theory and obtain salvation of the flesh, and then learn the Word and obtain salvation of the spirit.
Even if I tell people around me who do not have faith that "atomic and nuclear bombs" are lies, and that there is no such thing as "cancer," they still do not believe me very quickly, but I want to keep telling them that the truth is this.
And I will always try to say with a smile😊, "God exists, and God created us, the human race, with love."
Nevertheless, I think Japanese people have been ignorant of the existence of the real God for a long time and have been blinded by deception for a long time, but I feel very strange now because I was the same way just a few years ago….
Once again, I am just thankful for the existence of Rapt and the encounter with him.
And I thank God for giving birth and guiding me in this time.
"RAPT theory + α," which is also mentioned in the Word of God, is a very good news site that deals with truths that are not broadcast in the Japanese terrestrial media.
Recently, they have covered such things as what happened at the opening ceremony of the Olympics.
I had gotten rid of all my TV sets last year and had not been watching the Olympics at all, so I had no idea that this opening ceremony was going to be like this.
But I knew that the Olympics itself was from Satan's side according to the RAPT theory, so I guess that makes sense….
I pray that the number of righteous people who truly love God will increase day by day, and that God and people will love each other, fulfilling the purpose of human creation.
For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.
Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.
Therefore do not be partakers with them.
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
(for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth),
finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.
Therefore He says: "Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light."
<Ephesians 5 :5-14>
I am pleased to inform you that the very heavenly culture and art by RAPT,