If nuclear power plants and atomic bombs do not exist, then what exactly are those nuclear power plants that actually exist all over the world, and what are they doing?
I picked up the contents from the RAPT theory and reviewed them briefly.
I borrowed a diagram of the location of a nuclear power plant in France.
I see that all nuclear power plants are located either by the sea or along large rivers.
Next is a diagram of where nuclear power plants are located in Japan.
These are all along the coast, too.
I used to think that the reason nuclear power plants were located by the sea instead of inland was simply because of the danger of explosions, etc., and that they were placed as far as possible on the edge of the continent (sea side).
However, the real reason why nuclear power plants are located along the sea or rivers seems to be completely different from that…(◎_◎;)
Looking at it in this way (* the layout of the two nuclear power plants above), one can't help but suspect that “nuclear power plants” are simply “hydroelectric power plants”.
And when I actually looked into Japanese “nuclear power plants,” I found that all Japanese “nuclear power plants” are made of “light water reactors,” and that these “light water reactors” have the following structure. (Source.)
Pressurized water reactorboiling water reactor
Take a closer look. Both use large amounts of water. And they both generate electricity by spinning a thing called a “turbine” like a “waterwheel.
But think about it. Hydroelectric power is generated by turning a water wheel, and Wind power is generated by turning a windmill.
In other words, whether it is hydropower or wind power, as long as we can spin something like a wheel, that is all we need to do to generate electricity.
And, both boiling water reactors and pressurized water reactors use nuclear energy to boil water, and the boiling steam is used to turn turbines to generate electricity.
However, if such a large amount of water is used, one must suspect that it would be faster to generate power with water from the beginning, without going to the trouble of converting water into steam.
Moreover, “hydroelectric power” does not need to go to the trouble of cooling the fuel rods, and may in fact require less water than “nuclear power”.
If this is true, then it is a complete lie to say that nuclear power is more energy efficient than hydroelectric power.
[This article is free, so please read the full article at the link].
If you look at these two diagrams in the linked Rapt's blog, you will see that the place called turbine is spinning around and around.
The turbine is really spinning like a waterwheel.
○Hydroelectric power is generated by turning a waterwheel.
○Wind power is generated by turning a windmill.
○Nuclear power is generated by boiling water with nuclear energy and using the boiled steam to turn turbines.
Hmmm? …(◎◎;)(◎◎;).
No, Let me put it more clearly.
There is no such thing as a “nuclear power plant” in this world, and all “nuclear power plants” in this world are merely “hydroelectric power plants”.
No, even if what is called a “nuclear power plant” really generates electricity with “steam” instead of “water,” “steam” can be produced in any number of ways without nuclear power.
Steam” can be produced as much as you want as long as you cook fire.
This means that “nuclear power plants” may actually be using thermal power as well, which of course emits carbon dioxide, which is neither clean energy nor anything else.
In this way, “nuclear power” is, no matter how you look at it, full of lies and deceit.
I think that this article is probably from February 2016,
(Sorry if I'm wrong, 🙇♀️💦)
This is that if turning turbines with steam is all that is needed, then there are other ways to do it, and we don't have to go to the trouble of using nuclear energy which is known to be dangerous…, isn't it?
(Sorry if the date and time of this article is also incorrect 🙇♀️💦💦)
Already in 2016, a mobile fuel cell that can generate electricity with water and salt seems to be on the market.(This was an introduction by a reader of Rapt blog)
There was also an introduction to a blog post by a person who was actually able to light the light properly with seawater (water and salt).
Click here for a diagram of how the LED light works ⇩.
I hear, to begin with, the manual for this flashlight also neatly states, “This product can be used in seawater (in this case, it is not necessary to add salt).” (laugh).
Moreover, this product was put on the market on October 1, 2012, nearly four years ago from now.
So, even back then, the technology to generate hydrogen energy using only water and salt had already been developed.
After all, it is possible to generate electricity using water and salt, isn't it…😲!?
I was so surprised when I first learned of this that my mind went blank until I accepted it.
Until then, I had thought that electricity was generated using dangerous and difficult things, so I was truly speechless and amazed that electricity could be produced with “salt and water,” which are right there in our daily lives, so to speak.
But so, if nuclear power plants really generate electricity from seawater (water and salt), then it is possible to speculate that the so-called fuel rods of nuclear power plants are simply magnesium rods….
Spent nuclear fuel stored in a storage pool in the reactor (English version) inside a nuclear reactor From Wikipedia
Nuclear power plants are located by the sea because they use seawater.
They are probably generating electricity in that building, but that means they are probably using seawater (water and salt) to generate electricity, rather than dealing with something dangerous.
It is hard to believe, but if it is made of water and salt, it is very eco-friendly, and the cost of electricity must be much cheaper than it is now, right?
This is something that I would like more and more people to know about.
On March 11, 2011, the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident occurred.
I remember watching the images and getting chills down my spine as the three reactors exploded one after another,
But looking back, the TV announcer always said, “A hydrogen explosion has occurred."
I was terrified because I thought that when a nuclear power plant exploded it would be like an atomic bomb going off, but a “hydrogen explosion”…?👀
What does what happened in that building at that time (hydrogen explosion) prove?
After all, a hydrogen explosion at that time may rather confirm the some suspicions….
I think that by making nuclear power plants and atomic bombs dangerous, frightening, and extremely esoteric, they create various interests in research, development, installation, and so on, and not only that, we, the general public, are driven by sheer fear, and our thinking is stopped.
We have been deceived all this time, and I can only think that God's power is at work in Rapt's success in exposing these deceptions one after another.
I am very grateful that the “Rapt Theory” has enabled me to look at the truth and make correct judgments, and that I can face the new era in such a state.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to God, Rapt, and the “Rapt Theory,” which is the culmination of Rapt's knowledge.
Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, "Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field."
He answered and said to them: "He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man.
The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one.
The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels.
Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age.
The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness,
and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
<Matthew 13 :36-43>
I am pleased to inform you that the very heavenly culture and art by RAPT,